St. James Church (Marion, Indiana)

St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod located in Marion, Indiana. Founded in 1955, the congregation moved to the present location at 1206 North Miller Avenue in 1968. The church operates Good Shepherd Preschool, begun in 1982, and Good Shepherd Daycare, begun in 1998. Good Shepherd Preschool is recognized by the State of Indiana as private school operated by the Lutheran church school system.[1]

In 1993 St. James was selected as the place in which actress Julia Roberts wed singer Lyle Lovett.

In addition to regular Sunday worship services, the church offers Sunday education in various children's age ranges and a variety of adult education classes. Adult classes meet on Sunday morning as well as a variety of Bible studies which meet at various times through the week. There is an active youth ministry and a series of family life ministries, such as women's, men's, and age-related groups.

In 2003 the congregation participated in a strategic review of the ministry, developing a plan for the years ahead. Upon conclusion of the planning process, the mission statement of the congregation was re-affirmed using the historic phrasing: "Glorify God. Nurture all. Share the Gospel."


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